Most of us have been there before.
Life is good until a few things start to go wrong. Loss of a job, an unexpected illness or death in the family. The truth is sometimes bad things happen to good people.
That’s why we have the Blessing Project. A couple times a month, we like to find someone who has hit a rough patch in life and simply bless them.
No big fanfare. No strings. Just a random and unilateral blessing.
Jesus said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)
In the book of James we read that “pure religion” is to “visit the fatherless and widows” in their time of need.
So, in today’s uncertain economic times, when so many are facing layoffs, foreclosures and household budget crises, let us remember how much we are blessed, and look to bless others.
If you would like to put the more-blessed-to-give Scripture to the test, come join us and try it out for yourself!
Join us Wednesday nights at 7PM for the Blessing Project and help us be a blessing to someone in our community.
For more information, please contact Pastor Minnick @ 360-794-9665 or Via Email